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Building Performance Thinking® Culture

Introducing Performance Thinking® into an organization offers the potential for changing the conversation about organizational and individual performance, and establishing a culture of continuous performance improvement.

Establishing, strengthening, and sustaining performance improvement requires people able to lead and continuously improve the effort.  It requires an organization to establish and support  Champions and Masterful Performance Consultants.  Building a Performance Thinking culture requires planning with a systematic but flexible approach over time.

We want to work with organizations to optimize ROI by maximizing the value we deliver in our Performance Thinking® programs and support.  We want to help you accelerate business results by optimizing productivity and employee engagement. Once you've invested in our Practitioner Program, we want to help that initial team become fluent in their application of Performance Thinking and its tools.

In this program we work with a team of  Performance Thinking® Practitioners and their leadership to identify important projects for stakeholders, as well as projects to improve their own performance as a team or department. We then support the team for a year through ongoing coaching, helping to spread the word, and building conditions for sustainment and viral change, driving the shared vocabulary and "logic" of Performance Thinking across the enterprise. The effects are multiplicative.

This is a highly customizable program that we tailor to your needs. It offers an opportunity to strengthen and sustain impact, over time, with support based on our experience and the experience of our clients and Affiliates.

The Building Performance Thinking® Culture Program promises to:

  • help your Performance Thinking Practitioners make a large sustainable impact

  • ensure they can communicate about and advocate for performance improvement in language and at a level of detail that is effective for different groups of stakeholders

  • build the language and logic of Performance Thinking into policies, procedures, processes, tools, and day-to-day conversation

  • optionally, to prepare one or more Certified Performance Thinking Practitioners to facilitate and/or coach either the Performance Thinking Practitioner Program or our Performance Thinking Coach Program.

We work with you to configure the best solution for you.  We start with a bare bones planning and implementation process using our Implementation Planning Checklist, and extend our support to more robust and ongoing collaboration for teaching, coaching, supporting, and sustaining Performance Thinking across your enterprise. 

When asked in an interview what she would say to her executive peers about Performance Thinking, the Chief Culture Officer and SVP of Talent at a healthcare technology company said:

"For me, it's a business imperative.  If you want to align performance and you want an organization to perform effectively, then I don't think you can be successful without a model that's simple, and easy to follow, and practical.  So I don't think you can be as successful as you could be if you don't have Performance Thinking in your tool kit."

With organizations that choose to implement any of our programs, we want to talk with leadership about what it takes to produce and sustain performance improvement, and to collaborate in the planning process to maximize their return on investment.

Contact The Performance Thinking Network to learn more about how we could work with you.


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